Archive for the ‘sexual health’ Category

A message from the Medical Director

By Stuckey • March 27th, 2020

At The Keogh Institute our prime concern is your health in this climate of the Covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, our specialist endocrinologists will cease face-to-face consultations for the time being and will consult with you by phone, FaceTime or Skype. We will try to phone you at the allotted time for your consult. If we are running behind please be patient. We will ring you. They will have access to your results as normal and any request forms or prescriptions will be posted out to you. Our Clinic Nurse in Charge, Peta Redfern, will field your clinical enquiries as usual […]

Find it difficult to discuss sexual issues? You’re not alone

By Stuckey • October 19th, 2016

A large women’s health survey has identified that although hormonal, fertility and sexual health are major health concerns for women, many women are unable to obtain the information they need. Health professionals, surveyed for the Jean Hailes’ women’s health survey, identified that sexual health problems in particular were one of the top three areas that female patients found it difficult to discuss and that many women needed more information on these topics, particularly in the areas of vulval irritation and painful sex. We understand that it can be very difficult for women to discuss these issues with their local GP, […]

Assessment of sexual difficulties in people with diabetes

By Stuckey • May 18th, 2016
Assessment of sexual difficulties in people with diabetes

Sexual difficulties can be a common problem for people with diabetes. Men with diabetes have a higher risk of erectile dysfunction likely due to the increased blood sugar damaging  blood vessels and nerves in and surround the penis. As these blood vessels get damaged, the likelihood of erectile dysfunction increases. Poorly controlled diabetes is likely to damage these blood vessels more rapidly.  Other medical and lifestyle factors, such as smoking, drinking or cardiovascular risk factors can also damage these blood vessels contributing to erectile dysfunction. For women with diabetes, a decrease in vaginal lubrication is the most common issue. This […]

The Delicate Balance of ‘Down There’

By Stuckey • April 27th, 2016
The Delicate Balance of ‘Down There’

You may not realise it, but your vagina is home to huge populations of micro-organisms. Before you shriek in surprise or horror, know that these tiny organisms are actually vital for the health of your vagina and your health overall, and it’s important to get the balance right. There are many different types of micro-organisms that are found in the vagina, but the main types are generally called ‘good bacteria’ or ‘bad bacteria’. Healthy vaginas are rich in good bacteria and these friendly micro-organisms help to protect from infections and keep the populations of bad bacteria in check. An imbalance […]

New Treatment available for Peyronie’s disease

By Stuckey • April 20th, 2016
New Treatment available for Peyronie’s disease

We are now able to offer a new treatment to men with penile curvature caused by Peyronie’s disase. Xiaflex, a newly approved medication, works by dissolving the curvature causing plaque. It is the only clinically proven treatment to significantly decrease the degree of curvature, aside from surgery. The medication is injected by a specialist directly into the plaque and is given over a series of 4 treatment cycles. Each cycle includes two injections, at least 72 hours apart. Our treatment is provided by one of our men’s health specialist team, including Dr Neil Palmer who participated in the first trials […]

When Love Doesn’t Work: Sexual disorders

By Stuckey • February 10th, 2016
When Love Doesn’t Work: Sexual disorders

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching,  many people are reflecting on their own issues with their relationships. We look back on the initial days of romance with fondness and wonder why things are no longer the same. We ponder if we should bring up all those niggling little annoyances – the lateness, the obsession with their phone, your waning sex life. Like fighting about their family, experiencing problems with your sex life is so widespread as to be practically a hallmark of a long relationship. But while some waning in sexual desire is a normal part of a relationship and sex may disappear all together during difficult or […]

Sexual treatments: The 5 worst to buy online

By Stuckey • September 28th, 2015

For many people sexual problems are too difficult to discuss with their doctor, so when issues start they take to the internet in the hopes of finding treatment. While this can be helpful for information (use our tips to help you),  problems start when sexual treatments  are bought online. Many of these treatments will simply be ineffective but some can be actively dangerous. Products being bought online from outside of Australia are not subject to Australian safety standards and can be made in unsafe conditions. The medications on this list (aside from Viagra) are banned in Australia for ethical or safety reasons, yet can […]

Women’s Health: What we want to know, what we need to know

By Stuckey • September 9th, 2015
Women’s Health: What we want to know, what we need to know

We were interested to see the result of the Jean Hailes Society for Women’s Health recent survey on women’s health. This survey of over 3000 women and health professionals was the first of it’s kind in Australia. The survey indicated that many women wanted more specialised women health facilities. One third of women wanted more women’s health clinic and one quarter wanted more doctors to be trained in women’s health. It also showed an unfortunate lack of knowledge in two important conditions painful sex and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).     This unfortunate lack of knowledge likely contributes to the frustration […]