A message from the Medical Director

At The Keogh Institute our prime concern is your health in this climate of the Covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, our specialist endocrinologists will cease face-to-face consultations for the time being and will consult with you by phone, FaceTime or Skype. We will try to phone you at the allotted time for your consult. If we are running behind please be patient. We will ring you. They will have access to your results as normal and any request forms or prescriptions will be posted out to you.

Our Clinic Nurse in Charge, Peta Redfern, will field your clinical enquiries as usual and refer them on to your endocrinologist. Simply complete the form below.

If you need to see the Women’s or Men’s Health doctors face-to-face for a procedure please get in touch with Peta to arrange.

Our receptionist, Janette Middleton, will be on the front desk for appointment bookings as usual.

Keep well everyone! Extraordinary measures for extraordinary times.

Clinical Professor Bronwyn Stuckey

Medical Director

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