Find it difficult to discuss sexual issues? You’re not alone
A large women’s health survey has identified that although hormonal, fertility and sexual health are major health concerns for women, many women are unable to obtain the information they need.
Health professionals, surveyed for the Jean Hailes’ women’s health survey, identified that sexual health problems in particular were one of the top three areas that female patients found it difficult to discuss and that many women needed more information on these topics, particularly in the areas of vulval irritation and painful sex.
We understand that it can be very difficult for women to discuss these issues with their local GP, a doctor who you see regularly and who may also have a relationship with your family. However many women. That’s why the Keogh Institute runs a specialised women’s health clinic. The clinic, which you do not need a referral for, is run by GPs who specialise in women’s health and sexual health issues guaranteeing a high level of expertise as well as a safe environment to raise these sometimes awkward issues.