Archive for the ‘PCOS’ Category

A message from the Medical Director

By Stuckey • March 27th, 2020

At The Keogh Institute our prime concern is your health in this climate of the Covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, our specialist endocrinologists will cease face-to-face consultations for the time being and will consult with you by phone, FaceTime or Skype. We will try to phone you at the allotted time for your consult. If we are running behind please be patient. We will ring you. They will have access to your results as normal and any request forms or prescriptions will be posted out to you. Our Clinic Nurse in Charge, Peta Redfern, will field your clinical enquiries as usual […]

What is polycystic ovary syndrome?

By Stuckey • October 4th, 2016

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder. It is also known by its abbreviated name PCOS and sometimes as polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is quite common, affecting between 12-18% of women of reproductive age and up to 21% of women in some high-risk groups, such as Indigenous women. PCOS can be a complex condition to identify because there are several symptoms and not all of them are required to be present for a diagnosis of PCOS. Also, very few women with PCOS have the same set of symptoms. What are the signs & symptoms of PCOS? Many of the symptoms […]

KIMR study findings: Frequency and outcomes of PCOS

By Stuckey • August 30th, 2016

Researchers from the Keogh Institute for Medical Research in conjunction with the University of Western Australia and the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital department of Endocrinology and Diabetes have found that the frequency of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women with type 2 diabetes has been underestimated. The study, which was the largest ever conducted specifically in women with type 2 diabetes, found that among women with type 2 diabetes who had been admitted to a West Australian Hospital nearly 40% had a history of PCOS. This is much higher than previously reported. The study was also able to look at […]

Women’s Health: What we want to know, what we need to know

By Stuckey • September 9th, 2015
Women’s Health: What we want to know, what we need to know

We were interested to see the result of the Jean Hailes Society for Women’s Health recent survey on women’s health. This survey of over 3000 women and health professionals was the first of it’s kind in Australia. The survey indicated that many women wanted more specialised women health facilities. One third of women wanted more women’s health clinic and one quarter wanted more doctors to be trained in women’s health. It also showed an unfortunate lack of knowledge in two important conditions painful sex and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).     This unfortunate lack of knowledge likely contributes to the frustration […]

What is AMH and how is it useful

By Stuckey • May 17th, 2015
What is AMH and how is it useful

When a girl is born she has thousands of undeveloped follicles (eggs) in the ovary. Obviously these don’t all go on to become mature and ovulated during her lifetime. The majority of them fizzle out and never become a mature egg. Egg development goes through stages – 1. Primordial follicles (the undeveloped bank of eggs). 2. Antral follicles (half-developed eggs) and 3. Mature or dominant follicles. It is the  mature follicles that go on to be ovulated, normally one at a time. The process of which eggs go on to be developed and ovulated  is controlled by a hormone called […]