This month an article was published in the Australian Women’s Weekly on a world wide study on cognitive functioning in people with Down’s Syndrome. We are currently running the study at the Keogh institute.
The study aims to see if a medication can increase language ability, learning and memory in people with Down’s Syndrome.
The medication was used to treat senile dementia and respiratory problems until the 1980s but was withdrawn from the market due to costs involved in regulation changes. New evidence has now shown that the medication can active non-performing connections of specific receptors in the brain. The non-performing connections activated by this medication are the same connections that inhibit people with Down’s Syndrome’s cognitive function.
At the Keogh Institute we are invested in improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. Our clinic for disabled women, for example, strives to ensure good quality of life for intellectually disabled women struggling with hormonal symptoms and by protecting their bone strength. It is hoped that this study can improve the quality of life of people with Down’s Syndrome by allowing them to increase their independence, communication ability and engagement in the community.
We are still seeking participants aged 13 to 35 for the study. Anyone interested in discussing the study can contact Jocelyn on 9346 4407. Further information is also available on the study website.