We know that there are several factors which may lead to weak bones or osteoporosis, including difficulty absorbing nutrients and minerals such as calcium. Sometimes a low bone density is the only sign that the gut is not absorbing properly.
For this reason the Keogh Institute for Medical Research is investigating bone health and osteoporosis treatment in coeliac disease. This is an on-line questionnaire which should take only 15 minutes to complete. It has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.
You don’t need to have coeliac disease to participate in this study. The questionnaire is designed both for participants with coeliac disease and for those who may not have coeliac disease but who are taking, or have taken, bone preserving medication.
Your identity will not be disclosed and for analysis will be replaced by a study code number.
If you prefer to complete a paper version of the questionnaire or have any questions about this study you can contact our Research Nurse, Lee Mahoney, on (08) 9346 4402.
To complete the questionnaire please click here